Why Flat Earth Is Winning: 3 reasons flat earth is the internet’s fastest-growing conspiracy

Caleb Rockstedt
7 min readMar 12, 2021


Apparently, we live inside a flat, enclosed world.

Or, at least, a rapidly growing number of people across the internet believe that we do. In fact, if you have more than 50 friends on Facebook, you probably have friends who are closet flat-earthers but won’t ever admit it to you publicly.

The Flat Earth Theory has taken the internet by storm for the past 6–7 years and all anonymous surveys since 2018 have shown between 2.7% and 33% (yes, a full third) of respondents believe the earth to actually be flat and stationary.

And that number is only growing larger. Flat Earth is actually winning.

If you haven’t experienced it yet, don’t think you’re off the hook. Soon enough, you’ll have friends or family telling you that they think the earth is flat too.

But how could this possibly be happening, you say?

Well, I’ve been deep-diving into the topic for a while now, trying to understand it, and I think I have some answers. Here are 3 reasons the Flat Earth movement is growing like crazy.

Reason Number 1: The Science

Believe it or not, the science actually makes some logical sense.

I know it might sound crazy, but there are a number of things in the heliocentric big-bang model that we just assume to be the case because it seems to fit the particular hole we’ve found, like Black Holes, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Antimatter, the Oort Cloud, Star Forming Regions, Relativity, Magnetic Reversals, etc.

These are all things that we assume to exist, because it makes the math work, because it makes some logical sense, but we can’t actually prove. They’re more… educated guesses.

Oh, all comets would completely burn up in the solar radiation in less than 100,000 years? Well, obviously there must be some non-illuminated rocky junk beyond the reaches of our solar system that periodically get pulled in by the sun’s gravity as we spiral around the galaxy. Let’s call it the Oort Cloud.

And when you take away all the stuff we can’t really prove with concrete, repeatable evidence, well, this is where alternative theories don’t sound so crazy, because it begins to sound like both sides are just making excuses for the stuff they can’t explain.

For instance, because of the Eustachian Tubes in our ears, we have a well-honed sense of balance and equilibrium. We don’t actually feel the earth spinning. Flat Earthers say is because we actually are stationary, which, according to Occam’s Razor, IS the more simple explanation.

However, when asked to explain how southern celestial star rotation works, which seems to prove that we are indeed on a rotating spheroid incompatible with a flat and stationary earth, Flat Earthers will say that the curved dome over us acts as a lens and bends the light away at more extreme angles when you get out towards the edges.

So, you see, there really are no gotchas with an experienced Flat Earther. There are evidences and excuses on both sides of the argument. So then it becomes more a question of: who do you choose to believe?

Reason Number 2: The Government

Distrust of the government is at an all-time high.

Whether you just feel betrayed that the guy you voted for did the opposite of what he said he would, or whether you believe our world is controlled by elite pedophile reptilian shape-shifters who occupy basically all seats of any power in all governments, people are growing more and more disenfranchised with their governmental leaders, programs and agencies.

It seems we may have reached a tipping point of over-regulation in which a new series of revolutionary wars may begin taking place around the world as anarchists and nationalists surge over the next few decades.

What does this have to do with Flat Earth, you ask?

Well, essentially all of our high-altitude evidence of a spheroid earth from telescopes and satellites come to our universities and news media through government agencies like NASA.

In plain terms, this makes everything NASA says akin to propaganda (biased or misleading information) for anyone with cause to distrust their government. And that number is growing.

It’s very easy for those even marginally conspiratorially-minded to say that because we’re paying NASA $65-million per day in taxpayer revenue, all they need is some military-sourced actors, computer tech guys and CGI artists with high salaries to fake all the photos and rocket launches, and you have some greedy politicians walking away with at least $60-million a day.

That’s an absolutely insane amount of money. Even if you were one of 50 other people in on the take, and you personally took $1.2-million a day, within about 2 years, you’d be a BILLIONAIRE.

If that’s not a powerful motivator to lie to your constituents, I don’t know what is. And it would be easy to justify to yourself that you’re doing no harm to the people. They get the hope of future space travel. And meanwhile you’re setting up your own children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. for life.

I think even the best-intentioned politician might be willing to lie to everyone who believed in them for a few years for that sort of money. Especially if it doesn’t interfere with the cultural/social agenda they were elected to fight for in the first place.

I mean, can you honestly say you wouldn’t lie to people you don’t actually know “for the own good” for thousands of millions of dollars in your own pocket?

You’d probably convince yourself that you could do more good with that money privately than the government would anyway. I know I could.

Reason Number 3: The Philosophy

This is perhaps what I find most interesting about the whole Flat-Earth vs. Globe-Earth debate; the philosophical ramifications.

You’d think that being a Flat Earther would be the philosophically inferior mindset, but it’s really not, and this is the biggest reason Flat Earth is spreading.

Let’s have a look at what the heliocentric model actually teaches us our subconscious mind about the nature of reality:

Even though you can’t feel it, you’re actually spinning out of control at unfathomable speeds in multiple directions at once, on the outside of an insignificant, rocky waterball spinning around an unimportant star corkscrewing through one of trillions of other bigger and better galaxies. And if there is a God, he’s trillions of miles away, somewhere else and paying no attention to you.

Even though you have sunlight and moonlight and starlight and fresh air to breathe, you’re actually in the middle of an infinite black void stretching in all directions around you at all times; a cold, lifeless vaccuum that will suck the air of your lungs and boil the blood in your veins from which you can never escape because it’s everywhere.

Even though you’ve never seen a real asteroid impact or a real dinosaur in person, an asteroid, like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs an inconceivably long time ago could wipe you from existence at any moment.

Even though physically we’re all basically the same with some ethnic and gender differences in there, because you live on a sphere, and down is relative to your position on the earth, everyone else curves away from you, and is actually beneath you. Therefore, you will always be the special one, on a pedestal, no matter where you go, and nobody else in the world can ever be on level ground with you.

It might sound like I’m being intentionally malignant towards the heliocentric model, but I’m really not. The history of Western philosophy was a core part of my Masters thesis, and there’s been a dramatic shift towards nihilism, depression and suicide over the last few hundred years that perfectly matches the shift away from a creation-based worldview to one of a creator-less big-bang from nothing, evolution and heliocentric atheism.

There’s a simple reason why despite all the scientific teaching to the contrary, the majority of the world still believe in some form of higher power. It’s actually mentally far healthier. We all unconsciously reject the idea that everything is a meaningless, random accident.

And when we look at the subconscious philosophical underpinnings of a flat, domed earth, besides perhaps a sense of claustrophobia, we have the following:

Even though the rest of the world might be spinning out of control, you are stationary, fixed, stalwart, immoveable, just as your senses tell you.

Even though there are still stars above in the night sky, you’re actually safe inside a container and there is no such thing as an empty black void of space at all, that’s an optical effect only.

Even though life might seem to be full of random accidents at times, this flat world couldn’t have happened by chance. Therefore there is some sort of Creator, and they are probably right up there above the dome, close by and actually paying attention to you.

Even though the world does have some contrast with hills and valleys, there is a uniform down for everyone across the flat plane caused by the earth’s negative charge, and particularly in comparison to the Creator above to whom we are all accountable, everyone in the world is literally on level ground.

Astonishing though it may be, it should be plainly obvious by now that the worldview undergirding the Flat Earth Theory is actually far, far mentally healthier than the opposite.

This is the core of why so many people you know are abandoning the heliocentric model at an ever-increasing pace for the Flat Earth/Dome Earth model. Because it gives them an answer for what exactly is so profoundly wrong with the world today, and gives them something psychologically healthier to believe in and hold onto instead.

Would we really want to tear that out from under them, even if we could?



Caleb Rockstedt

Father, Husband, Christian, Truther, Traditionalist, Homesteader, Philosopher, Author, Musician, Bear.