Doing My Astrological Chart for the First Time Ever.

Caleb Rockstedt
8 min readJun 27, 2023


Hebrew/Biblical Cosmology

If you grew up agnostic/atheistic, you probably thought astrology was stupid. How could a planet a hundred million miles away affect my life? How could the sun’s position because of the rotation or orbit of the earth dictate who I am?

If you grew up Christian, like me, you were probably told to stay away from astrology because it’s “demonic” and “pagan”, and the Bible warns us against diviners and soothsayers, which many modern Bible versions have changed to “astrologers”. Plus, you know, God gave us free will.

But since it became really obvious that we never went to the moon and nobody has ever actually been to space — no seriously, there are so many videos showing inconsistencies and fakery aboard the so-called ISS and debunking all the moon landing footage, it’s obvious for anyone with eyes to see it — the world we’ve known (and our perception of it) has become more and more shaken up.

And so, it’s not hard for someone open-minded to stand at night under a sky full of stars and ask themselves questions.

If nobody has ever been to space, and all the alleged photos of satellites in space are CGI, what else are they lying about?

Do we know there’s even space up there at all?

How do we have air pressure next to a vacuum without a physical barrier?

Are those lights up there really giant suns unthinkable distances away?

Is everything they’ve told us a lie to distance us from God and build their socialist utopia?

The Bible says there’s waters above. Could that be water up there? Could we be in a fishbowl? A domed terrarium? The biblical firmament above us?

The sky sure looks like a dome. Just like a planetarium.

And I’m pretty sure I’ve never felt the earth spinning. Actually the Bible also says the earth is fixed and immovable.

If I were God making a world, would I make a spinning ball in a vacuum a bajillion miles away?

Or would I make a domed terrarium and have it set before my throne like a literal footstool, so I could literally look down on everyone like grasshoppers?

I could probably even have the dome firmament act as a giant magnifying glass.

One of the reasons I gravitated to SciFi/Fantasy in my younger years was the way it opened up possibilities to explore philosophical ideas in a way that real-world fiction often couldn’t.

Do we live in a computer simulation like Neo?

Do we live in a domed world like Truman?

These sorts of mental exercises open you up to possibilities. And since leaving a high-demand religion and exploring the Bible for myself, frankly, the domed biblical model is actually really heartwarming.

The Creator is close by. Literally just above us.

And the lights in the sky above us are literally what he said. They are for signs and for seasons, and for measuring calendar days and years. It’s a sky clock.

And when you start to view it that way, suddenly, astrology doesn’t sound like hokey-pokey anymore.

Both the Christian and the Atheistic reasons to disregard astrology fall out the window if we do live in a created, domed realm in which the stars are specific patterns of lights above us like a giant clock.

Sonoluminesce is a phenomenon wherein sound in a bubble underwater can create a flash of light. We’ve known for a while that sound and light are intricately connected. They’re both vibratory phenomena. They’re both wave-forms.

And the beginning of the Bibles says that God spoke and there was light. Are the choirs of angels simply bubbles of sound and light in the waters above, singing and shining down upon us?

Or perhaps they are created energetic beings whose energy overhead at our birth or conception does indeed signify something about our souls and who we are, what our purpose is here?

Perhaps the stars could even be our very souls, projecting down into these flesh bodies?

Either way, astrology had become something I could no longer completely ignore.

So after a little research into different modes of astrology, I learned that most mainstream astrology is out of sync with the actual sky.

Most people are actually a full sign off what they have been told by mainstream zodiacs in the newspapers.

If you want the actual stars over you at the time of your birth, you need true sky sidereal astrology.

This is my true-sky sidereal chart from

I’ve used the resources at Mastering the Zodiac (MtZ) and videos from their YouTube channel to understand and interpret everything in the chart above.

According to MtZ, there are four primary things to derive from your chart:
your sun sign, moon sign, ascending sign and chart ruler.

(There are also secondary characteristics based on the positions of all the wandering stars (aka planets) and the shapes formed by their positions in relation to each other and you at the time of your birth.)

My Sun Sign

Contrary to what I’d always heard about myself being a Scorpio, it turns out when I was born, the sun (and Pluto) were actually in Virgo in the 8th house.

What this allegedly means is that in my outer/masculine expression, I predominantly have an over-emphasized desire to improve things; particular myself, my environment and others around me (to the extent of being a nit-picky OCD perfectionist). And it being in the 8th house apparently means that this desire to manifests most strongly in matters relating to transparency, healing and depth of life.

My reaction:

I’m not sure what I expected going into this, but right off the bat, this is almost shockingly accurate. I only recently found out that I have significant autistic traits. I knew I was a bit socially awkward and have worked hard to overcome my obsessive-compulsive tendencies, but I thought that was simply a high-IQ thing.

What’s more, what this says about who I am, someone with a longterm growth mindset, and all the big moves I’ve made in my life (being something of a “truther”, leaving my religious upbringing, having a bunch of kids, being very oriented towards natural/”alternative” health and the homesteading lifestyle, outside the world controlled by the big corporations) is frankly quite right.

And even just symbolically or thematically, there are personal winks from God for me in my spiritual walk just finding out that I was not born under the dragon (Scorpio) but under the virgin. I’m not going to explain that here. But it’s several layers of fascinating for me.

My Moon Sign

I didn’t even know a moon sign was a thing, but apparently when I was born, the moon (and Chiron) were in Gemini in the 4th house.

My moon sign allegedly means that in my inner self/feminine expression, I predominantly have an over-emphasized desire to learn about the rational aspects of life from others (to the extent of being nosy, impatient, nervous, high-strung, and over-thinking/speaking).

And it being in the 4th house means that this desire is most apparent in matters relating to feelings, caring for and nurturing others, specifically: receptiveness, affection, sentimentality, introversion, feelings, emotional security, and the soul.

My reaction:

Again, this is scary accurate. I’m almost confused, because I don’t want to believe it. I’ve been wired since a young age to write this stuff off as stupid hogwash, and I’m having cognitive dissonance seeing the evidence for myself appear to be otherwise.

I’m a pretty inward guy, which goes along with the high-functioning autism thing. And so, what this chart says here about my core/inner self, is almost even more of who I know as myself, than the outer masculine nature in the sun sign.

And the fact that I have the two smallest outer planets (which allegedly represent the innermost layer of myself) in near-perfect alignment with the sun and the moon, says a lot to me about the consistency of my own sense of authenticity and integrity.

I have been described by multiple people that I respect as being a man that has no guile or two-facedness. (And this is part of where I have trouble with regular social skills, because I get confused by the little fakeries, the white lies, that other people give to each other as kindness.)

And I don’t say this to talk myself up in any way. I actually think it goes hand-in-hand with my autism. I’m actually starting to wonder if I’d looked at this sort of thing sooner, whether we could have caught the autism just based on this chart.

My Ascending Sign and Chart Ruler

So your ascending sign is what energies are coming up in the sky in the first couple hours after your birth. This represents the path your life will take, or in other words, who you are becoming as a result of your major life experiences. And the chart ruler is the planet(s) associated with that/those sign(s).

So my ascending sign is firstly Pisces (which makes me literally Jupiter ascending), and secondarily Aries (Mars ascending).

Pisces/Jupiter means that the direction my life experiences are leading me towards is about seeking and finding peace in life by predominantly becoming someone with an expansive worldview and envisioning what’s really possible.

And I will have growth experiences leading to: optimism, wisdom, expansion, happenstance, idealization, possibility, opening, adventure, opportunity, etc.

Aries/Mars means that the direction of my life is secondarily, growing my self-awareness and confidence by asserting my will into the world, and becoming someone who pursues self-determined action and self-preservation.

And I will have secondary growth experiences leading to: drive, motivation, intent, removal of barriers, elimination, confidence, ambition, attainment and victory.

My reaction:

Again, I’m shocked. Expansive perspective. Growth mindset. Secondarily shifting towards independence and masculinity. It does appear to be directly speaking to me about my life.

Now, I have looked at some of the others categories, and there are definitely things that don’t apply to me nearly so well with other signs and energies and houses. So this actually reaffirms that there is in fact something to this.

I was honestly kind of hoping it would be nonsense and I could go back to disregarding it, but it looks like I need to dig even deeper into this stuff. Because I can’t disregard the truth now I know that there’s probably something to this.

I want to chart all my children. My wife. See what comes up. Learning more of the secondary info. Looking at the weekly horoscopes on the MtZ YouTube channel.

So it turns out learning this stuff hasn’t been a waste of my time. Maybe it won’t be a waste of your time either.

May the stars be in your favor.



Caleb Rockstedt
Caleb Rockstedt

Written by Caleb Rockstedt

Father, Husband, Christian, Truther, Traditionalist, Homesteader, Philosopher, Author, Musician, Bear.

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