What is a “Proverbs 31 Woman” anyway?10 feminine attributes we can conclude from the chapter.Feb 28Feb 28
Published inThe Academic5 Bible Doctrines I Utterly Misunderstood Before Reading GreekIs Protestant Christianity holding on to false theological traditions despite overwhelming linguistic evidence to the contrary?Feb 241Feb 241
Published inThe Taoist OnlineSHOCKING: Recontextualizing the “Proverbs 31 Woman”The “Proverbs 31 Woman” is allegedly the Christian stereotype of the ideal woman/wife. But have we been reading the whole thing wrong?Feb 7Feb 7
A Conversation With A Catholic About Why I’m Not Catholic.Applied free will, the question of authority, Christian aesthetics, devotion to God and the question of born-again believers and the…Jan 21Jan 21
Not MY New Year.New Year. New Meanings. Like knowing that January 1st is kind of arbitrary and meaningless as markers of time go.Jan 21Jan 21
My 2024 Medium Year In ReviewHow the last twelve months have shaped up for me on Medium.Dec 31, 20241Dec 31, 20241
Published inThe Taoist OnlineDesigning My Own Biblically Christian GovernmentWhat would a Christian government look like if it was ACTUALLY based on the teachings of Jesus?Dec 29, 20241Dec 29, 20241
Paul-ianity and Spousal Sexual Abuse/TraumaUntil Christians reframe the validity of Paul’s writings, Christianity will continue grooming their kids into harmful/abusive…Dec 21, 2024Dec 21, 2024
The Apology LDS People (Mormons) Need From Dallin H. Oaks.Dallin H Oaks is next in line for the LDS church presidency, but a lot of LDS people are uneasy about it. How can he clear the air?Dec 14, 20244Dec 14, 20244
Yes, Andrew Wilson, Christian Polygamy CAN Save Marriage in the WestAndrew Wilson thinks that despite the UN bring wrong about everything else, they’re right about polygamy being bad for society. Not so…Dec 12, 20244Dec 12, 20244